CCA Awards

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”, a popular proverb sums it all. Without a balanced approach towards education, a child will only have a lopsided perspective. He will not be able to appreciate the other finer aspects of life, if only studies are in his mind. It is often perceived that sports is a complete waste of time and instead, students should utilize their time in learning and studying. However, such thinking needs to change, as sports has its own benefits.

We at JNJ gives the students an opportunity to develop particular skills and exhibit their non-academic abilities. ... We actually complement the curricular activities and groom the students in the “Art of living and working together.” Activities are the true and practical experiences gained by students by their own learning.

Here are five key benefits of co-curricular activities:

Getting involved in activities both inside & outside of school can help these students meet new people with whom they share interests and improve their social skills as a result. Extracurricular activities also help students to expand their network, which is beneficial for finding career opportunities after graduation.