Is the value system of the past outdated? Or is new thinking deteriorating? The answer lies in giving a new dimension to human values. Commuted Revolutionary changes will have to be brought into the educational system to take humanity to the door steps of ultimate truth. Educators will have to create awareness, conviction and commitment to values for improving the quality of life through education and for advancing social & human well being. Science and technology are the main driving force for today’s youth. They need scientific explanation and logical reasoning for every action and reaction.
It is necessary that the education system should be designed in such a way that spiritual consciousness becomes a part and parcel of its teachings. Spirituality will awaken that part of their self, which will enable them to distinguish right from wrong and make individuals rise above mind and matter to reach the ultimate truth “Fatherhood to God and Brotherhood Man” This feeling when inculcated in students will automatically bring peace & brotherhood.
Human life has to begin with faith and end with bliss.